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Yoga is an indian philosophic teaching, that exists already for a long time. It is a group of physical and mental exercises that should support the everyday life of humans - not only intelectual and spiritual but also physical and mental.

YOGA as preparation for your holidays

With YOGA you train strength, flexibility, balance and muscles, support the blood circulation and strengthen the back muscles.

Therefore it is one of the best preparations for your sportive holidays in St. Anton am Arlberg - from hiking and climbing, skiing and snowboarding to mountain biking.

Galzig YOGA Flow

We made up a Galzig YOGA Flow, with whome you stay fit before and after your sporting activities, you feel yourself again and you can relax. As special Galzig-Service we have left a yoga mat for you in your room. You can download the Galzig YOGA Flow here

Our advise for your perfect flow:

  • Take your time. Wear comforable sports clothes, search for a silent room and use for the exercises a gymnastic mat oder two blankets.
  • Make the exercises in a very calm way and keep the distension in the beginning for about 10 seconds and improve to about 30 seconds. There should be no pain during the exercises.
  • Breath slowly and naturally.
  • Do not put yourself under pressure. The exercises do not have to look perfect right away - it ist important, that you feel comfortable.