Our advise for your perfect flow:
Take your time. Wear comforable sports clothes, search for a silent room and use for the exercises a gymnastic mat oder two blankets.
- Make the exercises in a very calm way and keep the distension in the beginning for about 10 seconds and improve to about 30 seconds. There should be no pain during the exercises.
- Breath slowly and naturally.
- Do not put yourself under pressure. The exercises do not have to look perfect right away - it ist important, that you feel comfortable.
The exercises:
1. Mountain Pose - Urdhva Hastasana
This exercise strengthens arm-, leg- and core muscles. Breathing in and out supports the stretching to the top.
2. Chair Pose - Utkatasana
In the chair pose you stabilize the quadriceps, strengthen the posture and train knee, back, hip and ankle. It helps with sleeplessness and is really good when you have problems with your knees, ankles or ligaments.
3. Standing Half Forward Bend - Ardha Uttanasana
It heals stomachache, relaxes and opens the shoulders and the neck. Ardha Uttanasana strenghtens the legs, stretches the back of the leg muscles and the bottom of the back.
4. Warrior Pose I - Virabhadrasana
In the Warrior Pose I your shoulders, neck, stomach, groin and back muscles are strenghtened as well as your lung, arms, breast and shoulders.
5. Downward-Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana
This exercise improves the blood circulation, strengthens arms, wrists and back, stretches shoulder blades and is good against problems in the back, headache or tension.
6. Dolphin Plank Pose - Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana
In the Dolphin Plank Pose you strenghten your arms and legs. This exercise helps with headache und sleeplessness.
7. Four-Limbed Staff Pose - Chaturanga Dandasana 8. Kobra - Bhujangasana
In the Chaturanga Dandasana you strengthen your upper arm and forearm, develop flexibility and strenght in the wrists.
8. Kobra - Bhujangasana
The Kobra streches and opens the stomach, lung, shoulders and breast, improves the digestion and streches the backbone and the but.
8. Downward-Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana
9. Warrior Pose I - Virabhadrasana
10. Standing Forward Bend - Uttanasana
11. Standing Half Forward Bend - Ardha Uttanasana
Uttanasana strengthens the upper leg and the knee, flexbilizes the back bohn and streches calves, upper leg and hip. This exerciese can reduce blood high pressure, is good for the nerves and calms down body and soul.
12. Chair Pose - Utkatasana
13. Mountain Pose - Urdhva Hastasana